Gatsby Initial Settings ⚙️

Posted by , March 06, 2024
Series ofhow to use this template?

0. Create a GitHub Repository & Install Node.js, Gatsby-cli

💡 node.js and gatsby-cli must be installed on your computer.

Before installing the theme, you need a GitHub Repository for the Gatsby Theme. Please create a repository.

1. Install the Theme 👋

Follow the steps below to create your blog with the theme!

npx gatsby new your-blog-name

2. Run Gatsby Local Server

After downloading the theme to your local machine, follow the steps below to run the Gatsby local server.

cd your-blog-name
npm install  // install node.js
gatsby develop // or "npm start"

If the above command does not work properly due to dependency conflicts, please execute the following command and try again.

npm i --legacy-peer-deps

If the command runs without issues, you can check the initial blog state at http://localhost:8000!

3. Enter Blog Information

You can customize your blog by entering your meta information. Move to meta-config.js to see the initial state as follows.

module.exports = {
  title: `haon.theme`,
  description: `Hello! This is a tech blog theme using Gatsby 🤩`,
  author: `Haon`,
  siteUrl: ``,
  keywords: [`server`, `backend`, `gatsby`],
  repo: "msung99/Gatsby-Starter-Haon",
  gtag: "G-CD9E7GB2ED", // with Google Analytics
  socialLinks: {
    github: "",
    instagram: "",
    facebook: "",
    linkedin: "",
    velog: "",
    email: "",

Follow the steps below to modify siteMetadata.

3-1. Basic Profile Settings

Enter your basic profile information.

title: ``, //
description: ``, // Hello! This is a tech blog theme using Gatsby 🤩
author: ``, // Haon
siteUrl: ``, //
keywords: [ ], // [`server`, `backend`, `gatsby`]

3-2. Set Up utterances (Comments)

This template uses issue-based comments. Enter your GitHub repository information for the comment function to work smoothly.

repo: "your-github-name/repository-name"  //  "msung99/Gatsby-Starter-Haon",

3-3. (Optional) Integrate Google Analytics

You can use the Google Analytics feature to track visitors to your blog. gatsby-starter-haon makes it easy to integrate Google Analytics with your blog site to track visitors.

Refer to the Google Analytics official documentation to learn about the Analytics feature and get a tracking id. Then enter the tracking id as follows.

gtag: "G-CD9E7GB2ED" // your google analytics tracking id

Finally, you can link your social accounts. This is necessary for the social icons to redirect to the corresponding URLs. Customize the desired fields from the social accounts below.

socialLinks: {
  github: ""  // "",
  instagram: ""  // "",
  facebook: ""  // "",
  linkedin: ""  // "",
  velog: ""  // "",
  email: ""  // ``,

4. Deploy the Blog

You can quickly create a blog with either Github Pages or Netlify, depending on your preferred deployment environment.

You can link the GitHub repository using the Gatsby-Haon-Blog theme with Netlify for deployment. This process is not very difficult and is thus omitted.

5. Other Precautions

gatsby-starter-haon requires a minimum of default posts. Do not delete the two posts existing in the default package to ensure smooth operation.

Issue, PR Registration

If you have any topics you want to communicate while using Gatsby-Starter-Haon, feel free to leave a comment on the Social page or Register an Issue.

  • Suggestions
  • Q&A
  • Bug discovery and code improvement
  • New Features / Functions

You can leave comments or register issues freely using the Issue Template form.

Anything is welcome. We look forward to the opinions of many people for the enhancement of high-quality software and theme development 👍

하모니 팀의 기술 블로그 입니다. 🌈